5 good reasons to start using QR codes in your restaurant
Increasingly, restaurant owners are using QR codes to allow their guests to read the menu and pay the bill while respecting social distancing rules. Read on to learn about the many advantages of this system and find out why we recommend it, here at sunday.
1. QR codes help you respect social distancing rules
As restaurants reopen their doors, QR codes are often on the menu. After the pandemic, many establishments have had to accelerate their digitization process in order to avoid the spread of the virus. And QR codes help them do just that.
It’s a simple solution that allows guests to:
Read your digital menu by scanning the Flashcode with their smartphone, without ever touching the physical menu. It’s the ideal solution if you wish to keep your guests safe and reassure anxious diners
Make contactless payments easily and rapidly thanks to applications such as sunday. They won’t have to move around the restaurant or ask for the check
A sunday QR code in a restaurant.
As for restaurant owners, QR codes can allow them to:
Save time. No need to clean and disinfect menus between each customer. They can avoid physical contacts and limit the risks of contamination.
2. QR codes are simple and reliable
Ease of use is one of the major advantages of QR codes as anyone can easily use them. You can scan the Flashcode with your smartphone camera: it will detect the barcode and automatically open a page with the digital menu (a PDF menu or a web app).
Most smartphones (both Android and iOS) are compatible and you won’t need to download a dedicated app from the Play Store or the App Store. All useful information is already provided. It’s hard to think of anything more intuitive for consumers.
QR codes also prevent diners from wasting time searching for your digital menu on the web. Going to the restaurant’s website, browsing the site in search of the menu? No thanks!
QR codes speed up the ordering process, while limiting bugs and technical problems. All you have to do is scan and go with the flow.
The system is reliable and technical issues are rare. If the code is not physically damaged, then you know it will work.
If guests are not familiar with this technology, ask your staff to take a few minutes to explain it to them. It’s accessible for all, even those who don’t like to dabble in new technology.
An Italian restaurant using sunday.
How do QR codes work, really?
QR codes (“Quick Response Code”) are the new and improved barcodes. You’ve probably already seen these white squares filled with black geometric patterns. They’re pretty hard to miss these days!
The promise of QR codes is simple: they store digital data that can then be retrieved with a simple smartphone scan. The system is very easy to use, convenient, inexpensive and safe in the midst of a pandemic. That’s why it’s catching on in restaurants everywhere.
3. A digital menu that won’t break the bank
But QR codes are useful for restaurant owners, too.
QR code digital menus have an advantage over physical menus. You don’t have to print them out (so you save money) and they are easy to reproduce.
You can place your QR codes on the table, stick them near the entrance, on the walls or elsewhere… There’s a world of possibilities when it comes to showcasing them. And you’ll be able to give your guests multiple opportunities to flash your QR codes. Your menu will be more accessible and you know that they will appreciate it.
4. Pamper your diners and personalize your menu
Never underestimate the importance of personalization. QR codes can be an asset in improving the customer experience.
Imagine a world where waiters don’t need to go back and forth between tables to bring guests their menus. Digital menus are a real productivity boost that allow your teams to focus on what they do best: serve diners.
A pampered customer is a satisfied customer. So why miss out on the opportunity to make them happy with QR codes? Hygiene is not the only reason to accelerate the digitization of your restaurant: it has a lot of other advantages too.
A happy diner enjoys her meal.
Restaurant owners who wish to provide an optimal experience to their guests know that PDF menus can only go so far. This type of digital menus is not customizable and difficult to modify. It does the job, but it won’t significantly change your guests’ experience.
If this is what you’re aiming for, you can turn to solutions like sunday. Scanning a sunday QR code can redirect your customer to a web app that will display a dynamic menu.
The dishes are clickable and you can customize and modify the digital menu whenever needed. A good way to avoid unpleasant surprises for your diners when ordering or paying the bill.
5. Pay the bill in 10 seconds tops
Our mission, here at sunday, is to save restaurant owners time and money. In order to do so, we’ve created the fastest restaurant payment method in the world.
After flashing our QR code, sunday allows your guests to pay their bill right away, without waiting for a waiter to bring it to them. Diners can pay via ApplePay, mobile wallet or credit card. They can also tip your staff.
And the numbers speak for themselves: “When we tested this method in our restaurants, we realized that 80% of diners chose to pay with a QR code and that tips increased by 40%… It’s time to move beyond the Middle Ages of restaurant payment” says Victor Lugger, one of the three co-founders of sunday.
No more waiting at the cash register, 15 minutes saved per table, faster turnover, no reported fraud, happy teams and satisfied guests… sunday is the ideal partner for restaurants. Want to give it a try? Head right here.
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