Order & Pay at sunday: breaking down a successful launch
It’s official, sunday is now the fastest way to pay AND order in a restaurant. Find out how our tech teams got here in just a couple of months.
It’s official, sunday is now the fastest way to pay AND order in a restaurant. Find out how our tech teams got here in just a couple of months.
How do you build the best Order & Pay solution in just 3 months? We asked Jordi Valls, senior product manager at sunday, for his two cents.
His job in a couple of words: ensure that the tech team is building a product adapted to the needs of restaurants and for their guests, all whilst coordinating the other functions involved (developers, engineers, designers etc.).
Building Order & Pay from scratch. This was not the initial plan. We had looked at acquiring a company with the existing tech and expertise.
But when a deal didn’t go through, we decided to go 360° and set ourselves what seemed like the impossible: build our own solution in house in just 3 months.
It was time to get cracking. Step one, set up a killer team. Lucky for us, sunday was not exactly short on talent. Nor motivation.
Before we knew it, people were volunteering to take part. Developers, project managers, engineers, operation managers… a flock of experienced sunday-ers jumped at the opportunity.
For Jordi Valls, the success behind Order & Pay first came down to the dedicated team: “The efficient and smart collaboration between all team members was key. This allowed us to anticipate potential challenges and to work at record speed”.
The involvement of the Big Mamma (successful restaurant group by the co-founders of sunday) also made the difference. It’s at TopBun that we launched Order & Pay, powering the whole restaurant with sunday.
Before launching, the managers behind the trendy burger restaurant even took part in a few of our workshops.
The aim was to explain to our own teams the implications of our solution on service and to allow them to adapt our product to the needs of ALL restaurants and hospitality professionals.
Honestly, when it comes to the tech, our Order & Pay solution is far from revolutionary. ReactJS WebApp, Java Backend, Firestore, Kafka, React Native… these are the most common coding language out there, and those used at sunday. What’s complicated is making a product that’s simple for users.
There are two key advantages that allowed us to save considerable time: Having the existing tech stack at sunday.
Pay at Table was already fast, simple and convenient… transferring this to Order & Pay was inevitable Partnering with Deliverect, POS management tool that centralises online orders (UberEats, Deliverro and now sunday under one roof).
The perfect in, to getting access to most of the POS systems on the market The outcome? “An unrivalled level of efficiency” as Jordi likes to say.
And if you want more information, check this article about the launch.
The team involved took a trip down to Marseille for the official launch of Order & pay at TopBun. All they needed to do was be on the watch and make sure we launched without a hitch.
This was an experience Jordi really valued. It was the culmination of months of hard work and passion, and the perfect occasion to see the product work in real life. It was rewarding to see how Order & Pay was actually changing the restaurant experience for staff and for guests.
“It was amazing to see diners scan, order and pay in a couple of seconds, before putting away their smartphone to wait for their food. I’m proud of everything our product achieves. And best of all, it’s as if our tech was “invisible”.
Neither clients nor restaurants see that behind this well oiled system, hides hours and hours of hard work” says Jordi.
The senior product manager and his team saw sunday make a real difference for restaurants. They also realised this was a valuable addition to service for restaurateurs, their teams and their diners. And that’s gratifying.
“People tell us sunday is a game changer. Taking orders is quick, efficient and all orders are centralised with updates in real time. The payment side of things works perfectly. It’s a digital solution at the full service of restaurants and hospitality”.
How do you manage sunday? How do you adapt it to your service flow? For this, there’s one stop – the sunday dashboard. Super practical for:
You can even set times or days to display certain menus. Breakfast, brunch, happy hour, you get it. You’ve got a terrace where you only want to offer a limited snack and drinks menu? Not a problem, you’ll also be able to set menus based on service areas.
Closing the till in a couple of seconds with sunday is pretty convenient. As is having an overview of all the orders and payments taken.
More than this, you’ll also get to know your customers better, what menu items are selling well, and tailor your offering accordingly. We’re taking recommendations, promos, personalisation… the possibilities are endless.
Rest assured. sunday has a team of 160 developers there to ensure everything is running smoothly and to intervene should anything go south, night and day. Few companies can say the same, but we believe it’s essential.
When restaurants are relying on sunday powering their orders, we need to be 100% trustworthy. Thus far, we’ve achieved what we wanted – our restaurant partners are super happy and supported. sunday is not just changing the order process for restaurants.
We are changing the customer experience and the day to day running of restaurants. Today, a year after launching, we’re just getting started. We are so proud of everything achieved to date and couldn’t be happier to offer Order & Pay to restaurants worldwide!
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