Tip booster

Get the most motivated staff ever.

3X more tips means 3X better guest experience, and 3X better staff retention.

+£250 tips per month

"On average the staff gets £1.5 per hour more thanks to tips from sunday, it makes a big difference at the end of the month. With the current shortage it's a key element to attract and retain staff."
Sean, Owner of Grasso

2% tips on average

"We went from getting almost nothing to getting a lot of tips. The more we use sunday the more tips the team gets. It plays a role in retention for my staff."
Reza, Owner of Naroon

1/3 of customers tip

"sunday definitely increases the tips for my staff. It makes it so much easier for my customers that one customer out of 3 leave a tip. When usually it was close to 0..."
Maria, Owner of Crudo

2% tips

"We get 2% of tips on average, compared to almost 0 before sunday..."
Alex, owner of Japes

Bring out the best in your staff.

With incredible tips, your staff get naturally more motivated.


Tips collected


More tips than without sunday


More likely to tip digitally


More staff retention

Motivation like never before.

With 3 times more tips on average, your staff are more driven to serve your guests as well as possible.

Better experience for your guests.

Your guests can leave a tip in one click. And with highly motivated staff who know they will get rewarded, your guests have the best service.

They work for you. sunday works for them.

The feature set to get the most from tipping and to motivate your staff.

Dynamic tips

Integrated tip feature inside the payment flow with pre-calculated tip prompts make it easy.

Customised tips

We give you the choice to customise your tip thresholds, with the choice to push tip percentages, fixed amounts or both.

The payment methods built for restaurants.

Online or on site, before or after, eat in or takeaway, the payment solutions for all types of venues and for all use cases.

Empower your business with sunday.

Ready to power your business with sunday payments solutions? Fill out this form and one of our restaurant management expert will be in touch.


Support ready for you

7 days

To receive your QR and be ready


Walk out coverage

More features to retain & motivate your team.

Staff performanceNEW

Get to know your employee better.

Thanks to powerful real-time data.