sunday awards

Top restaurant rankings according to Google.

At sunday, we know that a reputation online is a key factor in the development of a restaurant's business. That's why we worked on a ranking of the best-rated restaurants in several French, English and American cities.

How does it work?

This ranking system is based on an overall rating that assigns review scores from 0 to 5, as well as on the total number of reviews, reflecting both restaurant popularity and customer engagement.


Restaurants analyzed.


Geographic zones: United States, France, United Kingdom.


Different restaurant categories.

Would you like to know your personalized ranking?

Is your restaurant not included in our rankings of the 150 best-rated restaurants, or is your city not yet available? At sunday we can also provide you with a personalized ranking according to your city and category, to give you better insights into your online reputation.

Top United-Kingdom.

Top France.

Top United-States.

Empower your business with sunday.

Features to get more reviews, respond to them and monitor them.

Google integration

Everytime a guest pays he's prompted to leave a review on Google.

AI responses

AI powered answer are sent in seconds, with your control.

Daily overview

Every morning get a snapshot of your online reputation from the day before. A 2 minute read per day is all it take to manage it.


Monitor your reviews and see trends of key metrics over time.

Reply box

Use customisable templates to answer reviews instantly.

Want to improve your online reputation?

Empower your business with sunday.

Ready to switch to sunday payment solutions? Fill in this form and one of our experts will contact you.


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