Data, privacy, security & payments at sunday.
This document gives an overview of sunday group companies (collectively “sunday”) practices and processes in relation to data, privacy, security and payment processing.
The content of this document is for informational purposes only and comes without any, including implied, warranties whatsoever. The practices and processes set out in this document may be amended by sunday from time to time to comply with applicable laws and to reflect improvements of sunday procedures.
What data does sunday need to operate?
For all our services, sunday needs access to the merchant’s POS and collects end user anonymised and tokenized payment data. Access to additional data may be necessary for the provision of specific services (e.g reviews, “text-to-pay”). This would be granted by the merchant on a case by case basis if the merchant wishes to receive the relevant services. sunday also needs to collect personal data to operate. This is covered in the Privacy section.
Why does sunday need access to the merchant’s point of sale (“POS”) system?
sunday can’t provide its services without access to the merchant’s POS. sunday needs access to the merchant’s POS to retrieve the bill and to notify the POS when it’s paid.
Why does sunday need access to all the bills and not just the ones processed by sunday?
sunday can’t forecast which tables and end users will use its products so sunday needs to get all the bills information in order to display them as soon as an end user is using sunday’s products. In addition, the data allows sunday to provide the merchant with deeper reporting, analytics and insights, for example on the entire business and financial performance of an establishment and valuable insights on end users behaviors.
What data is recovered and used by sunday from the merchant’s POS?
Data recovered from the merchant’s POS and required to operate includes floor plan, tables (names and numbers), staff IDs, and bill details (items, quantities, discounts where applicable, prices, VAT).
What is sunday doing with merchant/POS data?
sunday reconciles all payments, whether they are done with sunday products or not, to provide merchants with powerful analytics tools, such as:
Staff performance: Insights into individual performance, propelling the merchant’s team to new heights of excellence;
Guests insights: Real-time insights into guest preferences throughout the shift;
Business insights: in-depth analytics to drive merchant’s venture towards unparalleled success;
Accounting: tailored financial reporting.
Such data is aggregated in order to help merchants better operate their business. sunday aims to provide merchants with their own data in a meaningful way that lets them take actions based on insights provided by sunday products.
What data is sunday providing inside its product (dashboard or mobile app)?
Within its products, sunday is providing information to the merchant relating to all transactions carried out in their establishment, and is allowing them to identify all sunday payments in the sunday dashboard and in their POS dashboard.
Who owns the POS data?
The merchant is the owner of all data and information that they provide or make available to sunday in connection with the use of sunday services. No one will be able to tell what’s happening in their restaurant.
Who can access the POS data at sunday?
All employees at sunday working towards helping our clients and solving their problems have access to the data they need to do so. For example account managers, customer support and technical support teams will be able to access the data of the clients. They will need so to debug potential problems and ensure the quickest fix or answer. What can a third party or competitor learn from merchant data? Nothing. They do not have access to it and never will.
This Privacy Statement explains how sunday processes personal data about individuals who use sunday services and products in an establishment (“end users”) on the one hand, and about servers and personnel employed by merchant customers (“merchant users”) on the other.
What kind of personal data does sunday collect on end users?
As for every payment solution, sunday requires some data in order to process the payment. This is typically identity data, contact information, tokenized card information, details about their orders and sunday transactions.
Why does sunday collect and use end users personal data?
Some services are only working with some end users personal data. For example an end user who wishes to create a sunday user account will have to provide some identity information. An end user of the Order&Pay product will have to provide their phone number in order to get an SMS when their order is ready. sunday also uses end users personal data to provide customised services to them, including by displaying their order history, providing easy payment options, and recommending products.
Does sunday share sunday user data with third parties?
sunday shares end user data with third party service providers for technical support, including payment service providers to process their payments.
This is the general overview but if you’d like to know more about the information we collect on end users, we go into more detail in our privacy policy. Read more about the personal data we collect on end users.
Why does sunday collect and use merchant users’ personal data?
sunday needs some personal information in order to operate. This is typically server’s identity data, contact information, and staff performance data required to manage the operation of the establishment.
Why does sunday share merchant user data with third parties?
sunday only shares merchant users data with third parties to the extent necessary to perform services for the merchant and the merchant’s personnel, such as technical support or payment services.
This is the general overview but if you’d like to know more about the information we collect on merchant users, we go into more detail in our privacy policy. Read more about the personal data we collect on merchant users.
Who is responsible for the processing of personal data on sunday’s website and apps?
If you access or use our website, if you’re a user of any of the sunday applications and other sunday products and services or if you engage with or otherwise directly interact with sunday, Sunday App, Inc PBC is the controller of your personal data. Sunday App, Inc PBC is a corporation incorporated under the laws of Delaware and has offices at 305 Delmont Drive, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30305, USA.
If you buy catering or hospitality services from or otherwise provide your information to merchants who use sunday products and services, the relevant merchant is your data controller and we are acting as a processor on their behalf. If you have questions about how a merchant processes your personal information, you should contact the merchant or visit their privacy policy.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, or about our processing of your personal data, please contact sunday at and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
This section gives you insights as to how sunday manages payments data and the relationship that both sunday and merchants have with payment service providers.
Is sunday licensed to provide payment services?
sunday is not currently licensed in any territory to provide payment services to merchants, choosing to rely on third parties instead.
However, there are instances where sunday can distribute payment services or take some responsibility regarding the merchant experience on behalf of the merchant as an intermediary between the merchant and the payment processor. In this case, the responsibilities and relationships are made clear in the applicable merchant agreement.
Who does sunday partner with to process payments?
sunday leverages several providers to process payments on the platform (“payment processors”). The merchants will be aware of the payment processors before onboarding onto the sunday platform.
Does sunday have access to credit card numbers ?
No, sunday does not process or store the full card information (PAN, Private Account Number). When customers pay with Sunday, their credit card data (Private Account Number) is encrypted by the 3rd party PSP in a way that Sunday does not see the payment information.